Future of This AI

These AIs are being improved on a daily basis to have a bigger role in our daily lives. As stated before sooner or later these AIs will be heavily active in security systems and cameras. As a result these technologies will have great significance in our justice system. This means that this AI can potentially make it possible to easily target and discriminate against people of color. It will be used to popularize racial profiling and make it so that they have a reason to target certain people. They will use data collected by this AI to try to label someone as a threat or suspicious. It will also lead to finger pointing whenever an inconvenience happens. This means that for any complication that occurs people will be easily able to point the blame at someone else just by using this technology as back up. The way someone presents themselves physically will be used to make significant conclusions against them for something they do naturally. It’s no longer a technology that just detects emotion, it’s a technology that is hurting lives and hurting futures.

Getting suspected because of inferences made by an AI can ruin a person’s entire future  since you can potentially even get a criminal record because of it. Being taken into custody because of a machine detecting suspicious behaviors from someone can lead to permanent repercussions. This can lead to further issues in employment since many jobs will turn you down or make it difficult to employ you for having a criminal record.